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Based on the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, we hereby inform you of our "Privacy Notice" which aims to delimit the scope and general conditions of the treatment, as well as informing the owners, so that they are able to make decisions informed about the use of their personal data, and to maintain control and disposition over them. Likewise, it allows us to make the treatment of your data transparent, and thereby strengthen the confidence level of the holders:
01. Identity and address of the person in charge.
HEGA Servicios de Calidad, is responsible for the use and handling of the owners' personal data and their protection. For any questions, comments, notification and / or complaint with Regarding the handling of your personal data, you can contact the Administrative Coordinator at home: Del Ciprés 18, Col. Los Morales, Cuautitlán Estado de México CP 54800 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday except holidays, for phone dialing 55 6235 0826 or by email:
02. Personal data to be processed.
The data that will be collected are Name or Company Name, Address, E-mails, Telephone numbers, which are provided directly by the owner or through third parties, as long as this data is accessible to the general public.
03. Primary purpose of the use of the information.
Personal data will be collected in 3 different stages: First.- For marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes of the services provided by HEGA Servicios de Calidad; Second.- To carry out auditing, advisory and / or training services; and subsequently for monitoring and measuring satisfaction with the service offered.
04. Mechanisms to express negative
To limit the use or disclosure of your data, we have an exclusion list, to request your registration you must do so through the communication mechanisms defined in the corresponding section 01 of this Notice.
In the event that you decide to revoke consent or limit the use of your personal data, you must request it by providing the information mentioned in section 8 through the electronic means indicated for this in section 01 corresponding to this Notice.
It is important to indicate that the revocation of your consent will not proceed when the processing of your personal data is necessary to comply with legal obligations, due to exceptions of law (commercial, fiscal, intellectual property, administrative or any other not provided for in this document) or by resolution competent authority.
05. Processing of personal data.
This privacy notice is made known to customers and interested parties through the electronic page or the following phrase is included in the email, so that it can be accessed: "If you want to know more about our Notice of Privacy , you can contact the Administrative Coordinator by phone 55 6235 0826 or request information by email "
06.Transfers of personal data.
Personal data (identification and contact, labor, academic, patrimonial and / or financial data) will not be transferred to any national or international authority for their use.
07. Means for the exercise of rights BOW.
You have the right to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO rights) regarding the processing of your personal data, as well as to revoke the consent you have given us. If required, please send your request to the Administrative Coordinator through the means indicated in section 01 of this Notice, to ratify the information sent with the original documents that support your request. The cancellation will be made in accordance with the applicable legislation.
The request must include the following information:
Information and / or documents necessary for the exercise of ARCO rights.
Request for the exercise of ARCO rights.
Contact information (Name, address, email and / or telephone) of the owner.
The request for the exercise of ARCO rights must contain:
Name and address of the owner.
Data of the means by which you will be in contact for the notifications of the request.
Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights.
Data that helps to locate the data (service purchased).
08. Procedure for the exercise of ARCO rights and / or revocation of consent:
The owner and / or his representative must send their request with the documentation requested to the person in charge of the Administrative Coordination to the contact information established in section 01.
The Coordinator Administrative will review the documentation to accredit the owner or the legal representative of the latter and validate that the information contained is adequate and / or correct. In the event that the information provided in the request is insufficient or erroneous to attend to it, the person in charge of the Coordination Administrative will request the owner, if required, once and within five days of receipt of the request, to provide the elements or documents necessary to process it. The owner will have ten business days to meet the request, counted from the day after it has been received. If no response is provided within said period, the corresponding request will be deemed not submitted.
Once the complete information is available, the person in charge of the Administrative Coordination will have a period of twenty (20) business days to respond to the request of the owner and / or representative. The person in charge of the Administrative Coordination will register the request and in the acknowledgment delivered to the holder will record the date of receipt from which the deadlines established for the response will be considered.
If it is appropriate, it will be effective within fifteen days from the date on which the response is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the delivery will proceed after accreditation of the identity of the applicant or legal representative, as appropriate.
The person in charge of the Administrative Coordination will respond to requests for ARCO rights and / or revocation of consent received, regardless of whether or not the owner's personal data appears in their databases, in accordance with the established deadlines.
09. Employees, suppliers and visitors.
With respect to the processing of personal data of employees, suppliers and visitors, we inform you that the Privacy Notices for said profiles are available to them in the corresponding areas, at the reception of our facilities and when necessary through the signature of written knowledge.
10. Update
This privacy notice may have modifications based on legal requirements or updates, our data protection system, the new services we offer and for other reasons of updating the information.
Therefore, any modification to this privacy notice may be consulted on our website, as well as in our offices with the address and hours indicated in this document.
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